Poems by Gary Allen, Richard Aronowitz, Alan Bleakley, John Gladwell, Robert Hamberger, John Levett, Tim Liardet, Shirin Razavian, Will Rees, Ben Smith, Jonathan Taylor and John Weston.
Short stories by Athanasia Hughes and Patrick Mercer.
‘Dancing over the Abyss: Nietzsche’s New Testament of the Self’: Peter Abbs examines a key contribution to the history of self-realisation.
‘Hamlet and Hamlet: “Sweet Prince” or Scourge of Evil?’: Peter Davies considers the iconic character in a rereading of the play.
‘What’s Missing from The Sahara’: Having published the ultimate biography of the world’s largest hot desert, Eamonn Gearon describes the agonies of being edited down.
‘Avant-Garde – What Avant-Garde?’: Eminent art historian and critic Edward Lucie-Smith challenges the concept of artistic progress.
‘Troubled Paradise: Tehran’s Garden Suburb Has Been Turned into a Building Site’: Viveca Mellegård revisits her childhood quarter and questions the direction Iran’s capital is heading.
‘Edna O’Brien, John Huston and Joyce’s “The Dead”’: Jeffrey Meyers analyses some classic literature to get to the truth about the troubled relationship between two great cultural figures.
Gary Allen, 'Extra-Curricular'
Richard Aronowitz, 'The Rape of Europa'
Alan Bleakley, 'The History of Herons'
John Gladwell, 'Weak with the Dawn'
Robert Hamberger, 'Sunday'
John Levett, 'One-Armed Bandits'
Tim Liardet, Two Poems
Shirin Razavian, 'The Clock of Life'
Will Rees, 'Seren'
Ben Smith, 'The Wolves of Chernobyl'
Jonathan Taylor, 'Sechs kleine Klavierstücke, Op.19, no.6'
John Weston, Two Poems
Athanasia Hughes, ‘If Only You Knew I Can See You’
Patrick Mercer, Extract from Dr. Watson’s War
Peter Abbs: Dancing over the Abyss: Nietzsche’s New Testament of the Self
Peter Davies: Hamlet and Hamlet: ‘Sweet Prince’ or Scourge of Evil?
Eamonn Gearon: What’s Missing from The Sahara
Edward Lucie-Smith: Avant-Garde – What Avant-Garde?
Viveca Mellegård: Troubled Paradise: Tehran’s Garden Suburb Has Been Turned into a Building Site
Jeffrey Meyers: Edna O’Brien, John Huston and Joyce’s ‘The Dead’
Frank Armstrong, A Great Leap Forward: But Does a Cliff Lie Ahead? (Roderick Floud, Robert W. Fogel, Bernard Harris and Sok Chul Hong, ‘The Changing Body: Health, Nutrition and Human Development in the Western World since 1700’)
Peter Carpenter, Something a Bit Personal (Jonathan Smith, ‘The Following Game’ & Monique Roffey, ‘With the Kisses of his Mouth’)
Belinda Cooke, Both Inquisitive and Afraid (Norman Cameron, ‘Collected Poems and Selected Translations’)
David Cooke, Like a Foreign Country (Peter Robinson, ‘The Returning Sky’)
Clive Joinson, A Design for Life (Design Museum, ‘Terence Conran: The Way We Live Now’)
Terry Kelly, The Million-Petalled Flower of Being Here (Philip Larkin, ‘The Complete Poems’)
Thomas Pemberton, Killing Time (Roberto Bolaño, ‘The Third Reich’)
George Williamson, European Disintegration (Norman Davies, ‘Vanished Kingdoms: The History of Half-Forgotten Europe’)