The London Magazine is England’s oldest literary periodical, with a history stretching back to 1732. The pages of the Magazine have played host to a wide range of canonical writers, from Percy Bysshe Shelley, William Hazlitt and John Keats in the 18th-century, to T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden and Evelyn Waugh in the early 20th-century. Today – reinvigorated for a new century – the Magazine’s essence remains unchanged: it is a home for the best writing and an indispensable feature on the British literary landscape.
Our December 2014/January 2015 issue features Peter Abbs examination of John Keats, Peter Browne on Robert Louis Stevenson’s journey, Daisy Dunn on the unlikely friendship between Oscar Wilde and Toulouse-Lautrec, as well as Monica Porter on the struggles of growing up and the therapeutic nature of writing, Suzi Feay on The Magus of Cheshire, Norman Buller credit to the poet Elizabeth Bishop and Tom Sykes gets closer to the myths surrounding the man that is Douglas MacArthur
New short stories by Konrad Muller and Editor, Steven O’Brien.
This issue features a range of poets including translation poet Timothy Adès, alongside Marius Burokas, Rebecca Farmer, Simon French, Matt Haw, Terence John, Fred Johnson, Brandon Marlon, Sheenagh Pugh and Róisín Tierney. Reviewers include Erik Martiny, W. S. Milne, Will Stone, Geoffrey Heptonstall, Amanda C. Dickie, Terry Kelly and Conor Carville.
Our December 2014/January 2015 issue features Peter Abbs examination of John Keats, Peter Browne on Robert Louis Stevenson’s journey, Daisy Dunn on the unlikely friendship between Oscar Wilde and Toulouse-Lautrec, as well as Monica Porter on the struggles of growing up and the therapeutic nature of writing, Suzi Feay on The Magus of Cheshire, Norman Buller credit to the poet Elizabeth Bishop and Tom Sykes gets closer to the myths surrounding the man that is Douglas MacArthur
New short stories by Konrad Muller and Editor, Steven O’Brien.
This issue features a range of poets including translation poet Timothy Adès, alongside Marius Burokas, Rebecca Farmer, Simon French, Matt Haw, Terence John, Fred Johnson, Brandon Marlon, Sheenagh Pugh and Róisín Tierney. Reviewers include Erik Martiny, W. S. Milne, Will Stone, Geoffrey Heptonstall, Amanda C. Dickie, Terry Kelly and Conor Carville.