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Return to the Streets of Eternity by Jan Carew


Return to Streets of Eternity brings together, for the first time, poems by one of the great Black intellectuals of our times, written during a life-time of passionate engagement in anti-colonial, civil rights, black power and liberation movements, including many previously unpublished tributes to nineteenth and twentieth-century revolutionary leaders and to writers like Martin Carter, Dennis Brutus, Agostinho Neto, Andrew Salkey, Alejo Carpentier and Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Smokestack Books and Peepal Tree Press are hosting a combined launch for Return to Streets of Eternity and Episodes in My Life (both by Jan Carew) at the Claudia Jones Organisation (103 Stoke Newington Rd, London N16 8BX) on Thursday 26 November, 7-8.30pm.