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Inpress and the T S Eliot Foundation take over activities from the Poetry Book Society

The Board of the Poetry Book Society today announced that it has agreed the transfer of its key activities to Inpress and the T S Eliot Foundation.

Inpress will take over the running of the Poetry Book Society’s club and will continue to provide PBS members with the quarterly Selectors’ Choice book of poetry and Bulletin. Inpress is a not‐for‐profit organisation, supporting small and medium sized independent poetry and literary publishers from across the UK, specialising in membership services, sales and marketing.

Simultaneously, the management of the T S Eliot Prize will be assumed by the T S Eliot Foundation. The Prize, which has become one of most important in the poetry world, has long been funded by the T S Eliot Estate.|

Noel Murphy, chair of the Poetry Book Society said, “As a very small charity, it has become increasingly hard for the PBS to maintain all of its activities, the book club, the T S Eliot Prize and its poetry tours. After exploring all alternatives the Trustees have concluded that it would be in the best interests of all of our stakeholders and the poetry world in general if we transferred our most important activities to organisations better resourced than ourselves to support them over the long term. On behalf of the Trustees, I would like to thank the staff of the PBS, Inpress, the T S Eliot Foundation and ACE for all of their efforts over the last few months to conclude this reorganisation.”

Ian Grant, Chairman of Inpress said, “We are pleased and honoured to have been entrusted with maintaining and developing the service to members of the PBS, whose loyalty and support of poets and readers has been a significant and positive feature of the poetry world for more than 60 years. We look forward to corresponding with them, hearing their views and we hope meeting many of the them in the coming months.”

Sophie O'Neill, Inpress MD said, "We are really excited about this acquisition, the Poetry Book Society is a key part of the poetry eco-system and we are really looking forward to developing the book club and making it a more vibrant, diverse and far-reaching organisation."

1 comment

  • I’m very relieved to learn that you’re taking over and am sure you’ll carry on with the PBS’s invaluable work. I also hope that their members remain loyal.
    Best wishes,


    Gill Learneri

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