Minoli Salgado interviewed for The Sunday Times Sri Lanka!
Minoli Salgado, long-listed for the DSC Prize for South Asian Literature for her debut novel A Little Dust on the Eyes, appears in an interview for The Sunday Times in Sri Lanka.
In it, she talks about the influence of her experiences in Sri Lanka on her writing. "I come awake in Sri Lanka," she says. "As for my engagement with silence and enforced disappearances, these are shaped by the time I spent in the country in the late 1980s and early 1990s when I became interested in the Mothers’ Front and the example set by Dr Manorani Saravanamuttu (who founded the Centre for Family Service in Sri Lanka, fighting for justice after her son was killed). She is someone who spoke out when others did not, someone who spoke truth to power."
Read the full article here.
Salgado's debut novel, published by Peepal Tree Press, A Little Dust on the Eyes is available on our website.