Poem of the Week - 'My Accent' by Roddy Lumsden
My Accent
Ask a Geordie to say conjunctivitis;
when in Hull, make them ask for dry white wine.
Ask a teuchter where Saskatchewan is -
he'll give himself away, time after time.
For me, apricot scones are in the oven
and don't expect much difference between
Patsy, singing 'Life's Railway to Heaven'
and the red-nosed joker in the circus ring.
Roddy Lumsden's highly-skilled and playful use of language comes into light here in this concise and entertaining poem. It's full of energy and emotion and is one poem that is better read out loud. Unless you're truly terrible at accents like me, in which case, you're allowed to read it in your head.
This poem comes from Roddy Lumsden is Dead, Lumsden's collection with Wrecking Ball Press.