A world of machines, machine management and communication is at the heart of Cork born Irish poet Billy Ramsell's second collection of poems. From credit card point of-sale devices to personal music players, from mobile phones to cardiac supports, the world is seen as enabled, criss-crossed and perhaps even bound by digital signals that between them comprise a new life force on then planet, and one we have scarcely begun to comprehend.
"Billy Ramsell's latest collection crosses into the digital landscape to recognize our interior selves, to reclaim that which is human within the synapse of machine, the terabyte of memory. Elegiac, mythic, formally inventive, and more, the poems in this volume span from the circuit board to the cosmos and, all the while, remain focused on the human heart." - Brian Turner
Billy Ramsell was born in Cork in 1977 and educated at the North Monastery and UCC. Complicated Pleasures, his first collection, was published by the Dedalus Press in 2007. He holds the Chair of Ireland Bursary for 2013 and has been shortlisted for several other prizes. He edits the Irish section of the Poetry International website and co-runs an educational publishing company.