The genesis of the Missonis’ textile art. Ian McMillan talks about the day punk changed his life in ‘Buttering Bread for the Damned’. M.C. Nicholls gives a personal account of her S&M experiences and discusses the alternative lifestyle. Paloma Faith stars in our featured photo series ‘Hollywood Murders’. Anthony-Noel Kelly talks about his life and work in the ten years since his incarceration for stealing body parts.
Fiction and Theatre:
‘Blood Dancer’
Extract from When to Run, Sophie Wooley
‘The Gardener’ and ‘Alone’, Esmond Jones
‘In a Hotel Room’ and ‘Cabin’, Ian Seed
‘Eat Me’ and ‘Lines’, Patience Agbabi
‘Covetous Foetus’ and ‘Post Mortem’, Patrick Chapman
‘Vocation/Vacation’ Mark Farrell
‘at home’, Jessica d’Este
‘Nursery Rhyme’, June English
‘What you have heard is true’, John Mackay
‘The Mincer’, Myra Schneider
‘Before Morpheus Holds Sway’ and ‘Respite’, Alessio Zanelli
‘Stones’, Peter Thabit Jones
‘The Chains of the Past’, Gary Lehmann
‘After the Storm’, Katherine Gallagher
‘Margery’ and ‘Shaikh and the Fruit Pickle’, Tom Chivers
‘Caleidoscopio Missoni’
‘Buttering Bread for the Damned’, Ian McMillan
‘Hollywood Murders’, Rory Mackie
‘Exploring Alternative Sexualties’, M. C. Nichols
Anthony Noel Kelly on his life and work
Art and Photography:
Anne Pigalle
Papia Ghoshal
Pavla Kopecna
David McCoy
Fiona MacDonald
John Summers
Christopher Burke
Cover: St. Sebastian the Duck, Walera Martynchik (Oil on Canvas, 2006)
Patience Agbabi is a poet, performer and workshop facilitator. She was born in London in 1965 to Nigerian parents and spent her teenage years living in North Wales. She was educated at Oxford University and has appeared at numerous diverse venues in the UK and abroad. She has had two books published: R.A.W. (Gecko Press, 1995) and Transformatrix (Payback Press, 2000). In 1997 she won the Excelle Literary Award.
Patrick Chapman was born in 1968 and lives in Dublin, Ireland. His poetry collections are Jazztown (Raven Arts Press, 1991), The New Pornography (Salmon, 1996) and Breaking Hearts and Traffic Lights (Salmon, 2007). He also has a few collections of short stories that he has published.
Christopher Burke: www.chrisburke.org.uk
Tom Chivers is an energetic writer, editor and promoter of poetry. Born in 1983 and raised in South London, Tom was educated at Oxford University and now runs penned in the margins, the UK’s most exciting live literature producer. Tom is Associate Editor of international literary journal Tears in the Fence and writes a regular column ‘From the Other Side of the Fence’. His creative work is published widely in magazines including Fire, Stride, Smoke, Nthposition, The Reader, The Libertine, Isis, X-Magazine and The Wolf. His poems are included in the anthologies automatic-lighthouse (Tall Lighthouse, 2006) and Babylon Burning: 9/11 Five Years On (Nthposition, 2006) and have been translated into Serbian. His poem ‘Eavesdropping’ won Merit at the Nottingham International Poetry Competition 2002.
Petra Creffield: web.mac.com/petracreffield
Ania Dabrowska: www.aniadabrowska.co.uk. First prize winner Observer Hodge Photographic Award (2003)
Jessica d’Este is a poet living in London whose work is widely read and heard throughout the world. Her second book of poems, The Music of Meaning is coming out with IMPRESS later this year. She has worked with fellow poets in Spanish, German and Italian translation.
Soko photo (Web Trawl) by Melanie Elbaz, www.melanieelbaz.com.
June English was born in Dover, Kent in 1936. As a mature student, she read English and History at the University of Kent, followed by an MA in Humanities. Her first collection of poetry, Counting the Spots, published by Acumen in 2000, was short-listed for the BBC New Voices programme. In 1999, she founded the Dover and Deal Split the Lark Poetry Festival.
Mark Farrell is a Canadian, from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, who has been living in the Czech Republic for over ten years. He teaches at Charles University in Prague. His work has appeared in many journals throughout the world, most recently in PRECIPICe (Brock University, Canada), Poetry Salzburg Review (Salzburg, Austria), Lamport Court (Manchester), and Other Poetry (Durham). Selected future publications include: Parameter Magazine (Manchester), Smiths Knoll (Suffolk) and Quattrocento (Llandudno).
Katherine Gallagher is a widely-published North London poet. She has four full-length collections of poetry, the most recent being Circus-Apprentice (Arc Publications, 2006) which was Book of the Month on the Poetry Kit in March, 2007. Her website is www.katherine-gallagher.com.
Philip Gardiner is a best selling author of several books including Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon’s Temple Revealed, The Ark, The Shroud and Mary and Secret Societies. He is an award winning filmmaker of several documentaries and has appeared world-wide on Discovery Channel, Fox News and several television and radio shows. He speaks regularly at venues as diverse as Plymouth University in England, the International Scientific and Metaphysical Symposium in Australia and even Masonic Lodges across the world. His website is www.gardinersworld.com.
Papia Ghoshal: papiaghoshal.tripod.com
Esmond Jones is an ex-coalminer who swapped the shovel for the pen in 2001. He has had two collections of poetry published—Diverse Verse and Train of Thought—and is planning a further collection in early 2008.
Peter Thabit Jones was born in Swansea, Wales, Great Britain, in 1951. His work, particularly his poetry for children, has been featured in multiple books. He has been a prize-winner in several UK and international poetry competitions. He is the author of six collections of poetry and one collection of short stories. He is the founder and editor of THE SEVENTH QUARRY. He will tour America for six weeks, with Aeronwy Thomas, daughter of Dylan Thomas, in April 2008, to participate in events organised by Stanley H. Barkan, his New York publisher.
Catherine Kemp (contents page): unkempt44@yahoo.com
Kitschy images by Amanda Krueger. Amanda sells various interesting kitschy objects on her website www.abelstudio.etsy.com. To find out more about Amanda visit her website: www.everylittlething.typepad.com.
Gary Lehmann has published three books of poetry in the last four years in the course of which he has received two Pushcart Prize nominations. His essays, poetry and short stories are widely published—over 100 pieces per year. Visit his website at www.garylehmann.blogspot.com.
Fiona MacDonald: www.fionamacdonald.co.uk
John Mackay was born in Yorkshire, and began his working life building drystone walls and digging holes. He now lives in London, where he is a freelance journalist. He took a gap year at 35 to do an MPhil in Poetry at Stirling University. His poems have been published in a number of magazines, including Stand, Acumen, Quattrocento, and The Interpreter’s House.
David McCoy: www.image9165.com
Ian McMillan: www.uktouring.org.uk/ian-mcmillan
The Missonis: www.missoni.com
M.C. Nicholls: www.myspace.com/morganmoon22
Anthony-Noel Kelly: www.anthony-noelkelly.com
Ann Pigalle: www.myspace.com/annepigalle
Myra Schneider was born in 1936 in North London and grew up in Gourock on the west coast of Scotland, South London and Chichester, West Sussex. She studied English at London University and has lived in London ever since. She has published eight books of poetry and been published and broadcast through a number of channels, including the Observer and the Independent and on Radio 4. She is currently a tutor for the Poetry School.
Ian Seed is editor of Shadowtrain poetry magazine (shadowtrain.com). Ian’s fiction, poetry, translations and reviews have appreared in dozens of magazines, most recently in Great Works, Green Integer Review, Raunchland, Shearsman and Stride. His work appears in the anthologies Innovative Poetry in English 2005/2006 (Green Integer Books) and in Combustible Edge (Blue Chrome Books). His translation of Pierre Reverdy’s Le Voleur de Talan will also be published by Green Integer.
John Summers: www.standpointlondon.co.uk
Sophie Woolley is a writer and performer. She has performed extensively across the UK at various venues including the Barbican, CCA Glasgow, and Hayward Gallery. She has also performed monologues on television and made several appearances on radio. Her short stories have been published in various magazines and journals, including Sleaze Nation, Shoreditch Twat, and Dreams That Money Can Buy. Her work was also featured in the Matter anthology (2004) and in the British Council anthology, New Writing 12 (2004). She is currently touring her popular one-woman show, When to Run, an interwoven series of four monologues about women who run.
Alessio Zanelli is an Italian poet who has long adopted English as his writing language and has published widely in literary magazines around the world including, in the UK, Aesthetica, Dream Catcher, Orbis, Other Poetry, Poetry Nottingham and Pulsar. He is the author of three collections, most recently Straight Astray, and a featured author in the 2006 edition of Poet’s Market. His website can be found at www.writesight.com/writers/Zanelli.
Fiction and Theatre:
‘Blood Dancer’
Extract from When to Run, Sophie Wooley
‘The Gardener’ and ‘Alone’, Esmond Jones
‘In a Hotel Room’ and ‘Cabin’, Ian Seed
‘Eat Me’ and ‘Lines’, Patience Agbabi
‘Covetous Foetus’ and ‘Post Mortem’, Patrick Chapman
‘Vocation/Vacation’ Mark Farrell
‘at home’, Jessica d’Este
‘Nursery Rhyme’, June English
‘What you have heard is true’, John Mackay
‘The Mincer’, Myra Schneider
‘Before Morpheus Holds Sway’ and ‘Respite’, Alessio Zanelli
‘Stones’, Peter Thabit Jones
‘The Chains of the Past’, Gary Lehmann
‘After the Storm’, Katherine Gallagher
‘Margery’ and ‘Shaikh and the Fruit Pickle’, Tom Chivers
‘Caleidoscopio Missoni’
‘Buttering Bread for the Damned’, Ian McMillan
‘Hollywood Murders’, Rory Mackie
‘Exploring Alternative Sexualties’, M. C. Nichols
Anthony Noel Kelly on his life and work
Art and Photography:
Anne Pigalle
Papia Ghoshal
Pavla Kopecna
David McCoy
Fiona MacDonald
John Summers
Christopher Burke
Cover: St. Sebastian the Duck, Walera Martynchik (Oil on Canvas, 2006)
Patience Agbabi is a poet, performer and workshop facilitator. She was born in London in 1965 to Nigerian parents and spent her teenage years living in North Wales. She was educated at Oxford University and has appeared at numerous diverse venues in the UK and abroad. She has had two books published: R.A.W. (Gecko Press, 1995) and Transformatrix (Payback Press, 2000). In 1997 she won the Excelle Literary Award.
Patrick Chapman was born in 1968 and lives in Dublin, Ireland. His poetry collections are Jazztown (Raven Arts Press, 1991), The New Pornography (Salmon, 1996) and Breaking Hearts and Traffic Lights (Salmon, 2007). He also has a few collections of short stories that he has published.
Christopher Burke: www.chrisburke.org.uk
Tom Chivers is an energetic writer, editor and promoter of poetry. Born in 1983 and raised in South London, Tom was educated at Oxford University and now runs penned in the margins, the UK’s most exciting live literature producer. Tom is Associate Editor of international literary journal Tears in the Fence and writes a regular column ‘From the Other Side of the Fence’. His creative work is published widely in magazines including Fire, Stride, Smoke, Nthposition, The Reader, The Libertine, Isis, X-Magazine and The Wolf. His poems are included in the anthologies automatic-lighthouse (Tall Lighthouse, 2006) and Babylon Burning: 9/11 Five Years On (Nthposition, 2006) and have been translated into Serbian. His poem ‘Eavesdropping’ won Merit at the Nottingham International Poetry Competition 2002.
Petra Creffield: web.mac.com/petracreffield
Ania Dabrowska: www.aniadabrowska.co.uk. First prize winner Observer Hodge Photographic Award (2003)
Jessica d’Este is a poet living in London whose work is widely read and heard throughout the world. Her second book of poems, The Music of Meaning is coming out with IMPRESS later this year. She has worked with fellow poets in Spanish, German and Italian translation.
Soko photo (Web Trawl) by Melanie Elbaz, www.melanieelbaz.com.
June English was born in Dover, Kent in 1936. As a mature student, she read English and History at the University of Kent, followed by an MA in Humanities. Her first collection of poetry, Counting the Spots, published by Acumen in 2000, was short-listed for the BBC New Voices programme. In 1999, she founded the Dover and Deal Split the Lark Poetry Festival.
Mark Farrell is a Canadian, from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, who has been living in the Czech Republic for over ten years. He teaches at Charles University in Prague. His work has appeared in many journals throughout the world, most recently in PRECIPICe (Brock University, Canada), Poetry Salzburg Review (Salzburg, Austria), Lamport Court (Manchester), and Other Poetry (Durham). Selected future publications include: Parameter Magazine (Manchester), Smiths Knoll (Suffolk) and Quattrocento (Llandudno).
Katherine Gallagher is a widely-published North London poet. She has four full-length collections of poetry, the most recent being Circus-Apprentice (Arc Publications, 2006) which was Book of the Month on the Poetry Kit in March, 2007. Her website is www.katherine-gallagher.com.
Philip Gardiner is a best selling author of several books including Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon’s Temple Revealed, The Ark, The Shroud and Mary and Secret Societies. He is an award winning filmmaker of several documentaries and has appeared world-wide on Discovery Channel, Fox News and several television and radio shows. He speaks regularly at venues as diverse as Plymouth University in England, the International Scientific and Metaphysical Symposium in Australia and even Masonic Lodges across the world. His website is www.gardinersworld.com.
Papia Ghoshal: papiaghoshal.tripod.com
Esmond Jones is an ex-coalminer who swapped the shovel for the pen in 2001. He has had two collections of poetry published—Diverse Verse and Train of Thought—and is planning a further collection in early 2008.
Peter Thabit Jones was born in Swansea, Wales, Great Britain, in 1951. His work, particularly his poetry for children, has been featured in multiple books. He has been a prize-winner in several UK and international poetry competitions. He is the author of six collections of poetry and one collection of short stories. He is the founder and editor of THE SEVENTH QUARRY. He will tour America for six weeks, with Aeronwy Thomas, daughter of Dylan Thomas, in April 2008, to participate in events organised by Stanley H. Barkan, his New York publisher.
Catherine Kemp (contents page): unkempt44@yahoo.com
Kitschy images by Amanda Krueger. Amanda sells various interesting kitschy objects on her website www.abelstudio.etsy.com. To find out more about Amanda visit her website: www.everylittlething.typepad.com.
Gary Lehmann has published three books of poetry in the last four years in the course of which he has received two Pushcart Prize nominations. His essays, poetry and short stories are widely published—over 100 pieces per year. Visit his website at www.garylehmann.blogspot.com.
Fiona MacDonald: www.fionamacdonald.co.uk
John Mackay was born in Yorkshire, and began his working life building drystone walls and digging holes. He now lives in London, where he is a freelance journalist. He took a gap year at 35 to do an MPhil in Poetry at Stirling University. His poems have been published in a number of magazines, including Stand, Acumen, Quattrocento, and The Interpreter’s House.
David McCoy: www.image9165.com
Ian McMillan: www.uktouring.org.uk/ian-mcmillan
The Missonis: www.missoni.com
M.C. Nicholls: www.myspace.com/morganmoon22
Anthony-Noel Kelly: www.anthony-noelkelly.com
Ann Pigalle: www.myspace.com/annepigalle
Myra Schneider was born in 1936 in North London and grew up in Gourock on the west coast of Scotland, South London and Chichester, West Sussex. She studied English at London University and has lived in London ever since. She has published eight books of poetry and been published and broadcast through a number of channels, including the Observer and the Independent and on Radio 4. She is currently a tutor for the Poetry School.
Ian Seed is editor of Shadowtrain poetry magazine (shadowtrain.com). Ian’s fiction, poetry, translations and reviews have appreared in dozens of magazines, most recently in Great Works, Green Integer Review, Raunchland, Shearsman and Stride. His work appears in the anthologies Innovative Poetry in English 2005/2006 (Green Integer Books) and in Combustible Edge (Blue Chrome Books). His translation of Pierre Reverdy’s Le Voleur de Talan will also be published by Green Integer.
John Summers: www.standpointlondon.co.uk
Sophie Woolley is a writer and performer. She has performed extensively across the UK at various venues including the Barbican, CCA Glasgow, and Hayward Gallery. She has also performed monologues on television and made several appearances on radio. Her short stories have been published in various magazines and journals, including Sleaze Nation, Shoreditch Twat, and Dreams That Money Can Buy. Her work was also featured in the Matter anthology (2004) and in the British Council anthology, New Writing 12 (2004). She is currently touring her popular one-woman show, When to Run, an interwoven series of four monologues about women who run.
Alessio Zanelli is an Italian poet who has long adopted English as his writing language and has published widely in literary magazines around the world including, in the UK, Aesthetica, Dream Catcher, Orbis, Other Poetry, Poetry Nottingham and Pulsar. He is the author of three collections, most recently Straight Astray, and a featured author in the 2006 edition of Poet’s Market. His website can be found at www.writesight.com/writers/Zanelli.