Trespass OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2008 by Sara-Mae Tuson (ed.) Pages 52
‘Noir’: ‘Chicago Welsh’: The mean streets of Aberystwyth lead everywhere, reveals Malcolm Bryce. ‘Noir-Cycle’: Classic fiction, hardboiled. ‘Exposing Herself’: The aesthetics of motherhood in the photography of Robert Melee. ‘Femme Fatale Rising’: Alexandra Reza investigates the contradictory role of strong women. Featuring photos by Bernardo Fernandez. ‘Photo Story’: Hardboiled in Hoxton, by Sam Solnick and Sophie Bennett. ‘Feminist, Out Yourself!’: Photographer Alex Brew talks about her new project, and asks why the F word alienates. ‘Exploring Black Sexuality’: Nicole Moore discovers the freedom afforded by high quality erotic fiction.
‘The Ballad of Hologram Sam’ by Ade Jackson
‘Spring-Cleaning the Ghosts’ by Jeremy Worman
by Colin Pink, Ahimsa Timoteo Bodhrán, Samuel Prince, Salena Godden, Isabel White, Inua Ellams, Tim Wells, David Maclean, Puma Pearl, Michael Wyndham, Lynne Shapiro, Heather Taylor, Bette O'Callaghan, Peter Ebsworth
Art and Photography:
by John Prosser, Nick Baker, Cathy Tuson and Mark Coggins.
Mark Coggins is an award-winning crime novelist based in San Francisco. He is also an avid photographer, and several of his novels have been illustrated with photographs taken by him. www.markcoggins.com.
Øivind Hovland’s work has been described as being “dark, atmospheric, and with a touch of irony and sympathy.” Shortlisted for Images 31—Best of British Contemporary Illustration and the Mercury Art Prize. His work has been featured in publications such as the Bristol Review of Books, Digital Arts, Venue, and Kunst for Alle.
Sandra Huber is a Canadian poet who is living, writing and teaching in Vienna, Austria.
Adelaide Damoah is best known for her 2006 exhibition Black Brits. www.damoaharts.com
Bernardo Fernandez is a Canadian photographer and professional hair stylist soon to be based in Berlin.
Shauna McGowan’s work was recently selected for preview with Juxtapoz online and published with Wonderland Magazine. She has also had poetry published in Vauxhall Square. Her work has been exhibited throughout Ireland, as part of Belfast print workshop collective. www.shauna.carbonmade.com.
Chris Overcash is a photographer. www.flickr.com/photos/chrisinside.
John Prosser specialises in ambigrams and black and white drawings; he’s written several children’s picture books. prosserjohn@gmail.com
Steven Gardner has worked as a focus puller, camera operator and director of photography all over the world. He is an experienced photographer; to purchase some of his work go to: www.alamy.com. www.focus-puller.co.uk
Graciella Karijomedjo is currently based in Barcelona and works as a teacher and photographer.
Jerzy Nowosielski is a world-renowned Polish painter, pedagogue, scenographer, Orthodox theologian and art historian. He is well-known for his monumental wall paintings and iconostases in Orthodox, Greek Catholic and Roman Catholic churches in Poland and France. He also paints portraits, landscapes, still life, and abstract pictures.
Brendan Riley teaches and writes about writing, new media, and popular culture in the English Department at Columbia College, Chicago in the United States. He maintains a website and blog at www.curragh-labs.org.
Anna “Crystal” Stephens is a freelance photographer and rock formation. She’s exhibited in London, Bath, Devon and Luton and in the Metro newspaper. www.annastephensphotography.co.uk.
Alex Brew is a feminist photographer, writer and activist. She recently showed a preview of her Asking for it project at the Islington Arts Factory as part of Ladyfest. The exhibition was chosen as that week’s hot pick by DIVA magazine. She’s written for feminist publications like Uplift and the F-word and has talked in schools about her photography and activism thanks to the support of Rape Crisis. She recently showed a small selection of her Feminist Outings project for one night only at a ‘Girls Rock Camp’ event. www.alexbrew.co.uk.
Nicole Moore: An experienced creative writing tutor, freelance writer/editor, arts consultant and published poet, Nicole Moore is the founder of Shangwe and the co-founder of Words of Colour Productions. Her work has been published in Poetry Today Anthologies, Calabash, Writing in Education, Public Sector and The Weekly Gleaner (UK). www.shangwe.com.
Alexandra Reza is reading English at Cambridge University.
Ahimsa Timoteo Bodhrán’s award-winning poetry and nonfiction appear in Brand, Envoi, iota, Sable, and ninety periodicals and anthologies in the Américas and Pacific. A PhD candidate at Michigan State University, he is completing Yerbabuena/Mala yerba, All My Roots Need Rain: mixed blood poetry & prose and Heart of the Nation: Indigenous Womanisms, Queer People of Color, and Native Sovereignties. www.msu.edu/~bodhran
Peter Ebsworth’s poems have been published in numerous magazines, most recently in Poetry Nottingham, South, The Delinquent and iota. He is the editor of South Bank Poetry, a new poetry magazine dedicated to poems with a London context and urban edge.
Inua Ellams has performed at a long list of venues including: the Route 343 Bus, the National Tate Gallery, at The Albany Theatre in Deptford, Deal Real Records, The Drum (Birmingham), The Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, The Tobacco Factory Bristol, The Glastonbury Music and Latitude Festival, and at distinguished street corners across the world. phaze05.com.
Salena Godden’s stories & poetry have appeared in Rising, Drawbridge, Dazed and Confused, The Illustrated Ape, Nude Magazine, Salzburg Review and Le Gun among others. Her fiction and poems have also been published in many anthologies including Penguin’s IC3, Canongate’s Fire People, Serpents Tail’s Croatian Nights and Hodder and Stoughton’s Oral. She had a short story depicting the seven day bender titled The Last Big Drinky included in anthology The Handbook to Decadence published by DEDALUS. Harper Collins, Harper Press won the auction for her childhood memoir Springfield Road expected in the shops in spring 2009. She is regularly heard reading and performing often on both BBC Radio 4’s Bespoken Word and BBC Radio 3’s The Verb. She records and performs in ska-punk-breakbeat duo SaltPeter with Peter Coyte.
Jerzy Harasymowicz is a Polish poet of Ukrainian ancestry, noted for the unique personal mythology and spontaneous fantasy of his works. He published sixty-one books of poetry, becoming one of Poland’s most prolific writers. The most popular themes of his oeuvre are: nature and countryside; the city of Krakow and the Carpathian regions of southern Poland; religious and secular painting; and Polish and Ukrainian history.
David McLean has a couple of chapbooks out, one a free download at www.Whyvandalism.com. The other, in print, can be ordered at www.erbacce-press.com. He has a full length poetry collection available at Whistling Shade Press. A second book came from Erbacce-press in August, pushing lemmings. There is a self-published book at Lulu called eating your night; www.lulu.com/content/2756039. He has had numerous poems published online and in print. www.mourningabortion.blogspot.com.
Philip Monks works with Primary & Secondary School pupils and with adults. He writes drama and poetry. He has had several plays produced and poetry booklets published and writes for video and radio. He also works as an associate producer on programmes for Teachers TV & as assistant director on children’s TV dramas.
Bette O’Callaghan has performed regularly at various poetry venues around London, the UK and the US. Her poems have been published in several magazines and websites including Rising, Ape Magazine, Rue Bella, Scene 360, Velocity, the Best of Apples & Snakes and Hecale. She appeared with Shortfuse at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2002 and 2003. www.myspace.com/betteocallaghan.
Puma Perl’s work has been published in cause & effect, MadSwirl, The Mom Egg, Red Fez, Gloom Cupboard, and many other print and on-line publications. She is currently at work on her first book, which will be a series of linked poems based on lower east side life in the 70’s and 80’s. www.myspace.com/rubymydear916.
Ian Pople’s An Occasional Lean-to is published by Arc.
Samuel Prince’s poems have been published recently in The Chimaera, The Delinquent, Mimesis and South Bank Poetry.
Lynne Shapiro is a poet and essayist who has been published on both sides of the Atlanic, most recently in Mslexia and terrain.org. She is currently writing her first YA novel.
Ewa Stanczyk is a PhD candidate in the Department of Russian and East European Studies at the University of Manchester. Her other interests are post-war Polish literature, literary criticism and poetry translation.
Heather Taylor is a writer, performer & educator. Her first poetry collection, Horizon & Back, was published by Tall Lighthouse. She recently graduated with an MA in Plays and Scripts from City University and her first feature film, The Last Thakur, premiered at the London Film Festival, 2008. www.heathertaylor.co.uk
Tim Wells has been editing the Rising series of poetry magazines since he founded them in 1995. His latest book is called A Man Can Be A Drunk Sometimes But A Drunk Can’t Be A Man.
Isabel White is a performance poet. Her work has been published by the BBC and in a number of poetry journals, including Succour and WordsMyth. She appeared in cabaret at last year’s Brighton Festival Fringe and is currently working on a performance piece called Agony in Eight Fits.
Michael Wyndham: A regular on the London poetry performance scene, was a prize winner in The Frogmore Press poetry competition 2006 and has been published in various poetry magazines.
Short Fiction:
Ade Jackson co-edits the Liverpool-based experimental poetry magazine back to the machine gun. His collection Latenight Sistersongs (Headland) was published in November 2007
Jeremy Worman has a poem in a recently published anthology, The Ground Beneath Her Feet (Cinnomon Press). He has short stories in the current editions of DreamCatcher, Pen Pusher. Another story is due for publication in Blue Tattoo.
Andy Clark is the designer behind www.streetartlocater.com. For more information about Andy Clark, or Pencils and Pixels Ltd call. www.pencilsandpixels.com.
Mike Hunter is a graphic designer/printmaker with a passion for typography and traditional printing methods. He recently graduated from The Glasgow School of Art’s visual communication course. He has exhibited in Glasgow and London and currently works with Hand and Eye Letterpress whilst pursuing freelance work.
Sean Burn has completed theatre works for numerous theatres. His poetry films—ayler, our ordinary map (chekhov), stealing brecht, sz and the terror we create have been screened around europe. He has exhibited text-art exhibitions for numerous galleries. Skrev Press have published two full-length collections of his writing—edgecities and @ the edge, and are publishing a third, they say the fuchsias bright, in 2008. He has just published his first novel, margin-walking as print on demand. www.gobscure.info
‘Noir’: ‘Chicago Welsh’: The mean streets of Aberystwyth lead everywhere, reveals Malcolm Bryce. ‘Noir-Cycle’: Classic fiction, hardboiled. ‘Exposing Herself’: The aesthetics of motherhood in the photography of Robert Melee. ‘Femme Fatale Rising’: Alexandra Reza investigates the contradictory role of strong women. Featuring photos by Bernardo Fernandez. ‘Photo Story’: Hardboiled in Hoxton, by Sam Solnick and Sophie Bennett. ‘Feminist, Out Yourself!’: Photographer Alex Brew talks about her new project, and asks why the F word alienates. ‘Exploring Black Sexuality’: Nicole Moore discovers the freedom afforded by high quality erotic fiction.
‘The Ballad of Hologram Sam’ by Ade Jackson
‘Spring-Cleaning the Ghosts’ by Jeremy Worman
by Colin Pink, Ahimsa Timoteo Bodhrán, Samuel Prince, Salena Godden, Isabel White, Inua Ellams, Tim Wells, David Maclean, Puma Pearl, Michael Wyndham, Lynne Shapiro, Heather Taylor, Bette O'Callaghan, Peter Ebsworth
Art and Photography:
by John Prosser, Nick Baker, Cathy Tuson and Mark Coggins.
Mark Coggins is an award-winning crime novelist based in San Francisco. He is also an avid photographer, and several of his novels have been illustrated with photographs taken by him. www.markcoggins.com.
Øivind Hovland’s work has been described as being “dark, atmospheric, and with a touch of irony and sympathy.” Shortlisted for Images 31—Best of British Contemporary Illustration and the Mercury Art Prize. His work has been featured in publications such as the Bristol Review of Books, Digital Arts, Venue, and Kunst for Alle.
Sandra Huber is a Canadian poet who is living, writing and teaching in Vienna, Austria.
Adelaide Damoah is best known for her 2006 exhibition Black Brits. www.damoaharts.com
Bernardo Fernandez is a Canadian photographer and professional hair stylist soon to be based in Berlin.
Shauna McGowan’s work was recently selected for preview with Juxtapoz online and published with Wonderland Magazine. She has also had poetry published in Vauxhall Square. Her work has been exhibited throughout Ireland, as part of Belfast print workshop collective. www.shauna.carbonmade.com.
Chris Overcash is a photographer. www.flickr.com/photos/chrisinside.
John Prosser specialises in ambigrams and black and white drawings; he’s written several children’s picture books. prosserjohn@gmail.com
Steven Gardner has worked as a focus puller, camera operator and director of photography all over the world. He is an experienced photographer; to purchase some of his work go to: www.alamy.com. www.focus-puller.co.uk
Graciella Karijomedjo is currently based in Barcelona and works as a teacher and photographer.
Jerzy Nowosielski is a world-renowned Polish painter, pedagogue, scenographer, Orthodox theologian and art historian. He is well-known for his monumental wall paintings and iconostases in Orthodox, Greek Catholic and Roman Catholic churches in Poland and France. He also paints portraits, landscapes, still life, and abstract pictures.
Brendan Riley teaches and writes about writing, new media, and popular culture in the English Department at Columbia College, Chicago in the United States. He maintains a website and blog at www.curragh-labs.org.
Anna “Crystal” Stephens is a freelance photographer and rock formation. She’s exhibited in London, Bath, Devon and Luton and in the Metro newspaper. www.annastephensphotography.co.uk.
Alex Brew is a feminist photographer, writer and activist. She recently showed a preview of her Asking for it project at the Islington Arts Factory as part of Ladyfest. The exhibition was chosen as that week’s hot pick by DIVA magazine. She’s written for feminist publications like Uplift and the F-word and has talked in schools about her photography and activism thanks to the support of Rape Crisis. She recently showed a small selection of her Feminist Outings project for one night only at a ‘Girls Rock Camp’ event. www.alexbrew.co.uk.
Nicole Moore: An experienced creative writing tutor, freelance writer/editor, arts consultant and published poet, Nicole Moore is the founder of Shangwe and the co-founder of Words of Colour Productions. Her work has been published in Poetry Today Anthologies, Calabash, Writing in Education, Public Sector and The Weekly Gleaner (UK). www.shangwe.com.
Alexandra Reza is reading English at Cambridge University.
Ahimsa Timoteo Bodhrán’s award-winning poetry and nonfiction appear in Brand, Envoi, iota, Sable, and ninety periodicals and anthologies in the Américas and Pacific. A PhD candidate at Michigan State University, he is completing Yerbabuena/Mala yerba, All My Roots Need Rain: mixed blood poetry & prose and Heart of the Nation: Indigenous Womanisms, Queer People of Color, and Native Sovereignties. www.msu.edu/~bodhran
Peter Ebsworth’s poems have been published in numerous magazines, most recently in Poetry Nottingham, South, The Delinquent and iota. He is the editor of South Bank Poetry, a new poetry magazine dedicated to poems with a London context and urban edge.
Inua Ellams has performed at a long list of venues including: the Route 343 Bus, the National Tate Gallery, at The Albany Theatre in Deptford, Deal Real Records, The Drum (Birmingham), The Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, The Tobacco Factory Bristol, The Glastonbury Music and Latitude Festival, and at distinguished street corners across the world. phaze05.com.
Salena Godden’s stories & poetry have appeared in Rising, Drawbridge, Dazed and Confused, The Illustrated Ape, Nude Magazine, Salzburg Review and Le Gun among others. Her fiction and poems have also been published in many anthologies including Penguin’s IC3, Canongate’s Fire People, Serpents Tail’s Croatian Nights and Hodder and Stoughton’s Oral. She had a short story depicting the seven day bender titled The Last Big Drinky included in anthology The Handbook to Decadence published by DEDALUS. Harper Collins, Harper Press won the auction for her childhood memoir Springfield Road expected in the shops in spring 2009. She is regularly heard reading and performing often on both BBC Radio 4’s Bespoken Word and BBC Radio 3’s The Verb. She records and performs in ska-punk-breakbeat duo SaltPeter with Peter Coyte.
Jerzy Harasymowicz is a Polish poet of Ukrainian ancestry, noted for the unique personal mythology and spontaneous fantasy of his works. He published sixty-one books of poetry, becoming one of Poland’s most prolific writers. The most popular themes of his oeuvre are: nature and countryside; the city of Krakow and the Carpathian regions of southern Poland; religious and secular painting; and Polish and Ukrainian history.
David McLean has a couple of chapbooks out, one a free download at www.Whyvandalism.com. The other, in print, can be ordered at www.erbacce-press.com. He has a full length poetry collection available at Whistling Shade Press. A second book came from Erbacce-press in August, pushing lemmings. There is a self-published book at Lulu called eating your night; www.lulu.com/content/2756039. He has had numerous poems published online and in print. www.mourningabortion.blogspot.com.
Philip Monks works with Primary & Secondary School pupils and with adults. He writes drama and poetry. He has had several plays produced and poetry booklets published and writes for video and radio. He also works as an associate producer on programmes for Teachers TV & as assistant director on children’s TV dramas.
Bette O’Callaghan has performed regularly at various poetry venues around London, the UK and the US. Her poems have been published in several magazines and websites including Rising, Ape Magazine, Rue Bella, Scene 360, Velocity, the Best of Apples & Snakes and Hecale. She appeared with Shortfuse at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2002 and 2003. www.myspace.com/betteocallaghan.
Puma Perl’s work has been published in cause & effect, MadSwirl, The Mom Egg, Red Fez, Gloom Cupboard, and many other print and on-line publications. She is currently at work on her first book, which will be a series of linked poems based on lower east side life in the 70’s and 80’s. www.myspace.com/rubymydear916.
Ian Pople’s An Occasional Lean-to is published by Arc.
Samuel Prince’s poems have been published recently in The Chimaera, The Delinquent, Mimesis and South Bank Poetry.
Lynne Shapiro is a poet and essayist who has been published on both sides of the Atlanic, most recently in Mslexia and terrain.org. She is currently writing her first YA novel.
Ewa Stanczyk is a PhD candidate in the Department of Russian and East European Studies at the University of Manchester. Her other interests are post-war Polish literature, literary criticism and poetry translation.
Heather Taylor is a writer, performer & educator. Her first poetry collection, Horizon & Back, was published by Tall Lighthouse. She recently graduated with an MA in Plays and Scripts from City University and her first feature film, The Last Thakur, premiered at the London Film Festival, 2008. www.heathertaylor.co.uk
Tim Wells has been editing the Rising series of poetry magazines since he founded them in 1995. His latest book is called A Man Can Be A Drunk Sometimes But A Drunk Can’t Be A Man.
Isabel White is a performance poet. Her work has been published by the BBC and in a number of poetry journals, including Succour and WordsMyth. She appeared in cabaret at last year’s Brighton Festival Fringe and is currently working on a performance piece called Agony in Eight Fits.
Michael Wyndham: A regular on the London poetry performance scene, was a prize winner in The Frogmore Press poetry competition 2006 and has been published in various poetry magazines.
Short Fiction:
Ade Jackson co-edits the Liverpool-based experimental poetry magazine back to the machine gun. His collection Latenight Sistersongs (Headland) was published in November 2007
Jeremy Worman has a poem in a recently published anthology, The Ground Beneath Her Feet (Cinnomon Press). He has short stories in the current editions of DreamCatcher, Pen Pusher. Another story is due for publication in Blue Tattoo.
Andy Clark is the designer behind www.streetartlocater.com. For more information about Andy Clark, or Pencils and Pixels Ltd call. www.pencilsandpixels.com.
Mike Hunter is a graphic designer/printmaker with a passion for typography and traditional printing methods. He recently graduated from The Glasgow School of Art’s visual communication course. He has exhibited in Glasgow and London and currently works with Hand and Eye Letterpress whilst pursuing freelance work.
Sean Burn has completed theatre works for numerous theatres. His poetry films—ayler, our ordinary map (chekhov), stealing brecht, sz and the terror we create have been screened around europe. He has exhibited text-art exhibitions for numerous galleries. Skrev Press have published two full-length collections of his writing—edgecities and @ the edge, and are publishing a third, they say the fuchsias bright, in 2008. He has just published his first novel, margin-walking as print on demand. www.gobscure.info