In the 1984 Miners' Strike two brothers find themselves in the no man's land between police line and picket line.
A union official, Edwin Bowles is deeply involved in organising striking miners and defending his community. His younger brother Elliott is an ambitious policeman who sees promotion in the strike. The two men must face each other in a conflict in which they must both fight. Inevitably they are drawn to the point of personal confrontation, yet unknown to both a dark secret in Elliott's past will cause a bloody and violent conclusion to their growing feud.
Dark Edge is the story of a family, a community and a country at war. Personal, communal and political survival are at stake in a situation which forces ordinary people to discover new reserves of character.
Roger Granelli is the author of five novels, including Out of Nowhere, a tale of murder and jazz in the USA, Status Zero, a bleak account of crime and deprivation, and Resolution, a subtle and compelling examination of human passion.
A union official, Edwin Bowles is deeply involved in organising striking miners and defending his community. His younger brother Elliott is an ambitious policeman who sees promotion in the strike. The two men must face each other in a conflict in which they must both fight. Inevitably they are drawn to the point of personal confrontation, yet unknown to both a dark secret in Elliott's past will cause a bloody and violent conclusion to their growing feud.
Dark Edge is the story of a family, a community and a country at war. Personal, communal and political survival are at stake in a situation which forces ordinary people to discover new reserves of character.
Roger Granelli is the author of five novels, including Out of Nowhere, a tale of murder and jazz in the USA, Status Zero, a bleak account of crime and deprivation, and Resolution, a subtle and compelling examination of human passion.