Overall winner of the 2009 Poetry Business Book & Pamphlet Competition, chosen by Andrew Motion.
"A collection of cleanly-written and well-organised poems that, for all their efficiencies, are capable of leaving us with an appealing sense of mystery and unfinished business."
Andrew Motion
"These are fulfilled poems, written with a depth of feeling and lack of ostentation. The first part of the book holds many poems about family and friends seen through a child’s cool eye. Lives are summed up by single details that illuminate not just a person but a generation of men and women tarnished by war, poverty and ignorance. The second half of the book reaches new heights. The poems trawl historical records to tell hidden stories of ordinary, often hesitant, women who performed brave, dangerous and tragic acts in the name of Votes for Women. Already a prizewinning collection, Dear Mr Asquith deserves every accolade going. A necessary read."
Janet Fisher
Nina Boyd was born in Hertfordshire and moved to West Yorkshire in the sixties, where she had three children and graduated from Leeds University. She was a nurse, and later a medical book indexer. She is currently completing an MA in writing at Manchester Metropolitan University, and working on a biography of Mary Sophia Allen, one of the first British policewomen. Nina lives in Huddersfield, where she runs the legendary Albert Poets readings.
This book is also available as an ebook: Buy it from Smith|Doorstop here
or buy it from Amazon here.