"Like the sea-run Steelhead salmon that thrashes upstream to its spawning ground, then instead of dying, returns to the sea-Salmon Poetry Press brings precious cargo to both Ireland and America in the poetry it publishes, then carries that select work to its readership against incalculable odds."
Tess Gallagher
Salmon's celebratory anthology 'Even the Daybreak: 35 Years of Salmon Poetry', highlights its list of Irish, American, British and European poets, all of whom represent the vibrancy of contemporary literature - distinct in style, voice and geography.
Since 1981 Salmon Poetry has published over 500 volumes of poetry and literary non-fiction and has become one of the most prolific and important publishers in the Irish literary world. Salmon has continually taken risks; introducing new writers since its first days with The Salmon journal and with its first books by Eva Bourke and Rita Ann Higgins. The Salmon catalogue includesinitial works by now-established Irish poets Rita Ann Higgins, Theo Dorgan, Michael D. Higgins, Mary Dorcey, Moya Cannon, Joan McBreen, Mary O'Donnell, Eamonn Wall, Mary O'Malley, Eva Bourke, Janice Fitzpatrick-Simmons, Elaine Feeney, Dave Lordan, Colm Keegan, Sarah Clancy and Kevin Higgins, to name a very few.