Giraffe under a Grey Sky is Hope’s fourth collection of poetry. In it we encounter a new character – Mrs Uomo – who muddles through modern urban society, dealing with health care bureaucracy and the Hadron Collider, then finds herself corrupted by a game of Monopoly. These new poems delve into social, imaginative, natural and personal worlds, in turns serious and comic. These include the workings of the heart, a world ruled by buttercups, grief, and a sequence on the Potter’s Bar rail crash.
Danielle Hope edited Zenos, a magazine of British and international poetry, was a trustee of Survivor's Poetry and is currently advisory editor of Acumen. She was born in Lancashire and now lives in London where she also works as a doctor.
Danielle Hope edited Zenos, a magazine of British and international poetry, was a trustee of Survivor's Poetry and is currently advisory editor of Acumen. She was born in Lancashire and now lives in London where she also works as a doctor.