“Lyric compression and a wonderful command of the plain style make Andrea Cohen one of a handful of poets who can make her voice the conscious echo of her mind. And it’s a mind well furnished with whimsy, heartbreak, and moral questioning, a mind brilliantly attuned to the tragicomic, Kafkaesque nature of the day to day. But unlike Kafka, these poems don’t end in conundrum, paradox, and irresolution… [they are] as unsparing as they are forgiving, resolute that their ironies not stop at irony but give a full account of our need for love, sex, personal identity, and spiritual understanding.”
Tom Sleigh
“A tonic…”
The Observer
“Delightfully unfashionable.”
Andrea Cohen’s poems and stories have appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, Poetry, The Threepenny Review, Glimmertrain, The Hudson Review, among others. Her poetry collections include The Cartographer’s Vacation, winner of the Owl Creek Poetry Prize, and Long Division (Salmon, 2008). She has received a PEN Discovery Award, Glimmertrain’s Short Fiction Award, and several residencies at The MacDowell Colony. She directs the Blacksmith House Poetry Series in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Tom Sleigh
“A tonic…”
The Observer
“Delightfully unfashionable.”
Andrea Cohen’s poems and stories have appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, Poetry, The Threepenny Review, Glimmertrain, The Hudson Review, among others. Her poetry collections include The Cartographer’s Vacation, winner of the Owl Creek Poetry Prize, and Long Division (Salmon, 2008). She has received a PEN Discovery Award, Glimmertrain’s Short Fiction Award, and several residencies at The MacDowell Colony. She directs the Blacksmith House Poetry Series in Cambridge, Massachusetts.