Poetry and urban space: women writing cities.
What does writing poetry have in common with walking in the city? In translating poetry, what lost paths, dark alleys and chance connections are encountered? How do these change the maps by which cities are known and by which new poetries may be discovered? Metropoetica is a collaboration of women writing and walking in different cities across Europe in response to these questions.
The contributing poets and translators include Ingmāra Balode (Riga, Latvia), Julia Fiedorczuk (Warsaw, Poland), Sanna Karlström (Helsinki, Finland), Ana Pepelnik (Ljubljana, Slovenia), Zoë Skoulding (Bangor, Wales), Sigurbjörg ƥrastardóttir (Reykjavik, Iceland) and Elżbieta Wojcik-Leese (Krakow, Poland).
Metropoetica is a Literature Across Frontiers project, supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union, Bangor University and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK).