The latest in Arc’s Visible Poets series, Nothing More showcases the work of Polish poet and Silesius Award-winner Krystyna Miłobędzka. Introduced by Robert Minhinnick.
The poems crystallise the relationships between people, from erotic encounters to the bond between mother and child. Rooted in the earth and the body, they eschew politeness and refuse to hide the imperfections of the world. Each text reveals itself seemingly uncontrolled, an unspecified thought: a sentence broken off, a sudden mental leap, an ellipsis, a slip of the tongue.
Krystyna Miłobędzka was born in Margonin, Poland, in 1932. The author of eleven books of poetry, her Collected Poems appeared in 2006 and 2010. She lives near Poznań.
Elżbieta Wójcik-Leese’s translations of Polish poetry appear regularly in magazines and anthologies. She co-edited Carnivorous Boy Carnivorous Bird. Poetry from Poland (2004), which presents twenty-four Polish poets. Salt Monody (2006) is a selection from Marzanna Kielar. She is also the author of Cognitive Poetic Readings in Elizabeth Bishop. Portrait of a Mind Thinking (2010).
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