“Over the past 10 years, Susan Millar DuMars and Kevin Higgins have established the Over the Edge readings not only as the main regular literary event in Galway but also as one of the leading venues in Ireland to hear new writers read their work.
The boon provided to emerging writers by this opportunity should not be underestimated. In the 10 years of Over the Edge, Kevin and Susan have become sort of literary godparents to a host of Galway writers. That many of the names in this anthology are instantly recognisable to anyone who has even a passing interest in contemporary Irish literature is testament to that.
This anthology represents another milestone for Over the Edge and it probably won’t be the last. Along with everything else, they are to be applauded for their endeavour, perseverance and patience. The habitual hospitality that has greeted us all over the years, whether on cold Atlantic nights or sunny afternoons, battling the odours of obscure cheese in Sheridan’s or in the more serene environment of the City Museum, now awaits the next 10 years’ worth of poets, novelists and performers who venture west and Over the Edge.” - Alan Jude Moore