Discover more of Cardiff in this latest volume by Peter Finch, Real Cardiff – The Flourishing City. In it the Cardiffian continues his vigorous exploration of the obvious and the hidden vistas of the city, discovering new treasures and revisiting past haunts to find them drastically altered over just ten years. The pace of change has never been quicker, surpassing the booms of the city’s nineteenth century heyday, and the clearances and redevelopment of the 1960s and 1970s. Real Cardiff – The Flourishing City is a characteristically eclectic mix.
Here are the last days of Dic Penderyn, the ornate Mahogany Room above Burger King, the battle for the Vulcan pub, the wedding at Charles Street Carnival, the inside track on Howell’s School, the Cross at Culver, the Great Heath, and the lure of Penylan Quarry, among so many other excursions.
Jan Morris called Real Cardiff “one of the very best books about a city I have ever read”, and in this latest book Peter Finch has captured the essence of Cardiff again. Whether you are a Cardiffian or an outsider this book continues the story of Cardiff, and of so many places.