The Green-go Turn of Telling is a poetic excavation of self, of the shards of a once-broken soul. Each lyric poem is shaped by human wreckage, but also the rescuing force of female wildness. This theme is most clearly captured in the final love poems, which move through fracture and reluctance to recognition that ‘plain… hand-cranked’ love can restore human connection to the ‘scorned and lonely self’.
“Here is all of the heartbreak and gravity of being human stripped of everything but its essential, luminous core of knowing. We can relish in the way that in poem after poem the poet finds language that is restorative in the face of the crises she evokes.”
Bruce Weigl
“Sands manages to wrest words from the darkness that illuminate and console...”
Eva Bourke
Aimée Sands’ poems have appeared in various magazines in Ireland and the US, as well as in Dogs Singing: A Tribute Anthology (Salmon Poetry, 2010). She is the co-director of the Brookline Poetry Series, a Boston-area venue founded in 2001. Aimée is also an independent filmmaker and public radio and TV producer; her awards include an Emmy and a Peabody Award. She teaches at Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts.