Ways of Looking was a winner in the 2012 Book & Pamphlet Competition.
"Wallace Stevens’s poem ‘Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird’ has offered a writing template to many subsequent poets, and David Grubb’s spin on the original is as inventive as any. Imagism and ‘the moment’ lie at the heart of these fragmentary sequences, though narrative always feels possible, even insistent. A reminder that poetry might be extracted from everywhere and anything. And that every poem, no matter how brief, is ‘a small story.’"
Simon Armitage
"David Grubb’s poems sing out so lustily and irrepressibly… steady, bright, humane."
Selima Hill
''David Grubb’s voice gives a distinctive slant to his subjects. It is a poetry that subverts expectations, unsettles and moves you."
Mike Barlow
"His poems, often growing out of his work in conflict zones or areas of extreme poverty, are suffused with political accountability. Combine this with a less than conventional syntax and a talent for rendering physical qualities with authenticity and you have something special."
Tim Liardet
David Grubb writes poetry, short stories and novels. Recent poetry collections have been published by Stride, Salt, Shearsman and Like This Press. His short story collection was published by Root Creations. He teaches Creative Writing to adult groups and runs a mentoring scheme for individuals writing novels and short fiction.