One of two songs from Love’s Labour’s Lost, this short poem with its evocation of a harsh winter in early modern England is illustrated on each page with strong woodcut-like black and white pictures.
When icicles hang by the wall,
And Dicke the sheepheard blowes his naile;
And Tom bears logges into the hall,
And Milke comes frozen home in paile:
When blood is nipt, and wayes be fowle
Then nightly sings the staring Owle
Tu-whit to-who.
When icicles hang by the wall,
And Dicke the sheepheard blowes his naile;
And Tom bears logges into the hall,
And Milke comes frozen home in paile:
When blood is nipt, and wayes be fowle
Then nightly sings the staring Owle
Tu-whit to-who.