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Collection: Charco Press

Charco Press was born from a desire to do something a little out of the ordinary. To bring you, the reader, books from a different part of the world. Outstanding books. Books you want to read. Maybe even books you need to read.

Charco Press is ambitious. We aim to change the current literary scene and make room for a kind of literature that has been overlooked. We want to be that bridge between a world of talented contemporary writers and yourself.

We select authors whose works feed the imagination, challenge perspective and spark debate. Authors that are shining lights in the world of contemporary literature. Authors whose works have won awards and received critical acclaim. Bestselling authors. Yet authors you perhaps have never heard of. Because none of them have been published in English.

Until now. 

Who’s who on your team?

Our ‘team’ consists of the two of us: Carolina Orloff and Samuel McDowell


What events are you involved with? 
We try and get involved wherever we can, time permitting. We arrange our own events with local bookshops here in Edinburgh to do with our books. We are involved with the Edinburgh Internaional Book Festival (two authors coming for 2018, plus Carolina acts as translator for some Spanish speaking authors). We have done one event at Shakespeare and Co in Paris, and Carolina was recently invited to curate a selection of her 10 top reads for Paper Cub Store in Beirut. We also sometimes participate in SYP (Society of Young Publishers) panels.

What do you enjoy the most about publishing?
Without a doubt, it is when we see/hear of people 'discovering' one of our authors for the first time. It makes what we do worthwhile!

Do you have any office animals?
The only office ‘animal’ that springs to mind is our 2 year old, Alba. Trying to keep her out of boxes of newly printed books, stealing our pens, and generally messing up our office space is as hard work as the publishing itself!

What’s your nearest bookshop? 
The Edinburgh Bookshop is very near, although we also have both The Golden Hare and Lighthouse Books not far from us. 

If you could meet one author or poet, dead or alive, who would you choose and why? 
For Carolina - seeing as she studied and has written books about him - Julio Cortázar, without a doubt. Sam - maybe Hemingway. In Cuba.

Charco Press
Office 59
44-46 Morningside Road
Edinburgh EH10 4BF
United Kingdom
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