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Collection: Digby Fairweather

Jazz wit, cornettist, bandleader, and broadcaster Digby Fairweather writes with revealing reflections on his life and career, and warm, hilarious anecdotes. He tells of the challenges, frustrations and rewards of being part of the jazz world. "Digby is one of the most articulate jazzmen in both his words and his music. Whatever he says or whatever he plays is of great interest to the world of jazz." John Dankworth, CBE "Digby is one of the brightest beacons in British jazz. Not only is he a magnificent trumpeter, he is also a splendid writer. All jazz followers should be grateful for his pioneering work in establishing the National Jazz Archive." John Chilton "He knows what he’s doing." Ruby Braff "Digby is one of the best ambassadors jazz could have!" Michael Dynan, The Stage "Digby Fairweather is a superb cornettist who will knock your lights out every time he hits high–C!." Blues and Roots Magazine "Much spoken of and quite justifiably!" Humphrey Lyttelton "The sweetest cat around and a marvellous player." Warren Vache Junior
2 products
  • Nat Gonella - A Life in Jazz
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  • Notes from a Jazz Life (2nd edition)
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