“These poems work their way up and down the scale of things, testing for size, for depth, for music. Walking a landscape is a favoured method of approach. Sometimes things are too large, they resist – “we searched for a way/out and down off the mountain.” (Descent). At other times the calm of acceptance is met with – “Then I am, as you say/dear brother, diminished, and simply here,/in a scale of things I hardly understand.” (To The Bishop My Brother). Always the poet seeks to find his own way forward. There are many memorable poems about people, especially those concerning the poet’s father and mother. It has been 14 years since Denniston’s well-reviewed chapbook, The Point of Singing – this first full collection is long overdue, but it has been well worth the wait.” - Mark Roper
Originally from Longford town, Edward Denniston has lived and worked in Waterford since 1980, the city in which his Presbyterian ancestor lived and preached dissent in the early 18th century. Edward is a teacher of English and Drama.