Family tension. Poetry, and the trauma of casual racism. An archivist of the distant future. A unique collaboration between Creative Writing students at UEA and students of Translation Studies at the University de Alcalá, Unmasked Writings/Historias desconfinadas is a series of five chapbooks mapping the emotional angles of the pandemic and giving voice to the long moments of introspection we all cultivated during the hardest months of this crisis. Each text is presented both in the original English and the translated Spanish. This is volume one, Muted Voices/voces acalladas. Lady Time by Molly-Rose Medhurst translated by Ana Sánchez Asenjo Silences by Michaela Vitagliano translated by Sonia Herranz Martínez and Salomé Torres Vargas Unmask Me by Denise Monroe translated by Paula López García and Olivia Serret Sanz