This ground-breaking bilingual anthology brings together a wide range of contemporary Latin American women poets, all of whom have a wide readership in their own countries but whose work continues to be largely absent from UK bookshops and is thus little known to the majority of English-language poetry readers. The editors, Juana Adcock and Jèssica Pujol Duran, both of them outstanding poets and translators in their own right, have selected the work of 24 female poets (from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico and Venezuela) with the intention of providing a glimpse into the huge amount of diversity in styles, poetics, languages and experiences that exist throughout the continent. The title of the anthology, Temporary Archives, is taken from a line by the Venezuelan poet Gladys Mendía which resonated with the idea of the female body as a site of rebellion and memory, where the scars of the different violences inflicted upon it remain, but are also healed by way of poetry.