This directory of small and independent book publishers and literary magazines in the UK and the Republic of Ireland is a vital resource for writers of novels, memoir, poetry, short stories, nonfiction and more.
The Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook covers all the big mainstream publishers, but ignores the ‘indie press’ sector. The unique Indie Press Guide was created to address this glaring gap in the market. This comprehensive, easy to navigate resource will help all writers, plan where to send their work with information that is not readily available anywhere else.
This is the 4th Edition of the Guide, which Mslexia has been successfully selling from its website since 2016. It is updated biennially to keep pace with changes in the energetic and fast-changing indie sector; which is why the 4th Edition boasts well over 700 literary magazines and independent book publishers - with over 300 completely new ventures, since the 3rd Edition.
‘The indie press landscape is changing rapidly. An area of publishing that tended to be overlooked back in 2015 – when we began research for the first edition of this Guide – is becoming a watchword for quality‘