In typical Drndić style, the reader is offered a view
of the past and the present through a collage of
different genres - from (pseudo) autobiography to
documentary material and culinary recipes as the
narrative explores different perspectives on the issue
of emigration, the unresolved history of the Second
World War, while emphasising the absurdity of politics
of differences between neighbouring nations. Tea Radan, the narrator of the novel Canzone di Guerra,
reflects on her own past and in doing so, composes a
forgotten mosaic of historical events that she wants to
first tear apart and then reassemble with all the missing
fragments. In front of the readers eyes, a collage of
different genres takes place - from (pseudo)
autobiography to documentary material and culinary
recipes. With them, the author Daša Drndić skillfully explores different perspectives on the
issue of emigration and the unresolved history of the Second World War, while emphasizing
the absurdity of politics of differences between neighboring nations. The narrator subtly
weaves the torturous story of searching for her own identity with a relaxed, sometimes
disguised ironic style, which takes the reader surprisingly easily into the world of
persecution and the sense of alienation between herself and others.