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Collection: Joseph Sherman

Research interests: My current research focuses on Soviet Yiddish writing in the period 1917-1945, in particular the prose of David Bergelson (1884-1952) and the fiction of Peretz Markish (1895-1952). In 2007 I co-edited a volume of essays on Bergelson, covering his entire oeuvre, entitled David Bergelson: From Modernism to Socialist Realism (London: Legenda, 2007). My recently completed translation of Bergelson's first and finest novel, under the English title When All is Said and Done (1913) will be published in Spring 2009 by Yale University Press as part of the New Yiddish Library series. I am currently co-editing a new volume of essays on the poetry and prose of Peretz Markish, and a volume of translations of Soviet Yiddish short stories and poems entitled From Pogrom to Purge: Soviet Yiddish Writing, 1917-1947. Both books will be published in early 2009. Current Projects: -Translation in English of David Bergelson's third novel Mides Hadin, under the English title The Full Severity of the Law. Courses Taught: -Questions of Jewish Identity in Yiddish Literature for MSt in Jewish Studies; Yiddish literature for Modern Languages Faculty (Paper XII) Recent publications: - Serving the Natives: Whiteness as the Price of Hospitality in South African Yiddish Literature, Journal of Southern African Studies, 26:3 (September 2000), pp.505-21. - Between Ideology and Indifference: The Destruction of Yiddish in South Africa, in Shain, M. and Mendelsohn, R. (eds.) Memories, Realities and Dreams: Aspects of the South African Jewish Experience (Johannesburg and Cape Town: Jonathan Ball, 2002), pp.28-49. - Translating ‘Shotns baym hodson’ (Shadows on the Hudson): Directly Encountering Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Authorial Dualism, in Denman, H. (ed.), Isaac Bashevis Singer: His Work and His World [IJS Studies in Judaica] (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2002), pp.49-80. The Jewish Pope: Myth, Diaspora and Yiddish Literature (Oxford: Legenda, 2003). - The Non-Reflecting Mirror: Gogol’s Influence on Sholem Aleichem, Essays in Poetics 28 (Autumn 2003), pp.101-23. - Sherman, J. and Robertson, R. (eds.) The Yiddish Presence in European Literature: Inspiration and Interaction: Selected Papers arising from the 4th and 5th Mendel Friedman Conferences in Yiddish (Oxford: Legenda, 2005). - Bergelson and Chekhov: Convergences and Departures, in Sherman, J. and Robertson, R. (eds.) The Yiddish Presence in European Literature: Inspiration and Interaction: Selected Papers arising from the 4th and 5th Mendel Friedman Conferences in Yiddish (Oxford: Legenda, 2005), Studies in Yiddish 5, pp. 117-33. - Sherman, J. and Estraikh, G. David Bergelson (1884-1952): From Modernism to Socialist Realism (Oxford: Legenda, 2007). - And many other publications, as detailed on source website. Other info: -Member of International Editorial Board, New Yiddish Library, Yale University Press. Source: [url=]Joseph Sherman[/url]
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