In Whatever Sends the Music into Time, Leah Fritz questions everything – her own life, human nature, politics, even the universe – with humour, fearlessness and love. This New & Selected includes poetry published individually in magazines and anthologies, and from four previous collections: From Cookie to Witch is an Old Story (1987), Somewhere en Route (1992), The Way to Go (1999) and Going, Going... (2007).
“Leah Fritz’s poetry is always enjoyable for its intelligence, wit, satirical sting and freshness of wording.”
Christopher Middleton (Carcanet poet)
“These are the poems of a wide-ranging intelligence greedy for experience - but also offering us her own sharp and entertaining ‘criticism of life’.”
Alan Brownjohn
“Leaves a feeling in the heart rather than an image in the reason. Leah Fritz’s poetry always seems to celebrate life.”
Patricia Oxley
Leah Fritz was born in New York, and moved to London in 1985. As well as four collections published in the UK, her poems frequently appear in magazines like Acumen, PN Review, the London Magazine and Poetry Review. In 2009 she received a special commendation from Carol Ann Duffy in the Poetry on the Lake Competition in Italy.