173 poems by 84 poets
John Levett, Ann Vaughan-Williams, Ben Wilkinson, Pauline Yarwood, Samuel Bridge, Dot Cobley, Matt Howard, Regina Weinert, Edmund Prestwich, Myra Barrs, David Williamson, Ian Pople, Chrissy Banks, John Arnold, Richie McCaffery, Jon McLeod, Jenny King, Graham Mort, Tony Hendry, Myra Schneider, Neetha Kunaratnam, Caroline Price, F John Williams, Andy Hopkins, Alan Payne, Gina Wilson, Fiona Larkin, Stephen Clarke, Claire Dyer, David Constantine, Mike Jenkins, Candyce Lange, Robert Peake, Penny Boxall, Terence John, Robert Etty, Michael McCarthy, Keith Hutson, Sabine Harnau, Martin Stannard, Jean Steven, Claudine Toutoungi, Andrew Rudd, Katie Hale, John Clarke, John Lancaster, Juliet Antill, Jennifer Copley Louise Peterkin, Fokkina McDonnell, Howard Wright, Robert Nisbet, Sean O’Brien, Jessica Mookherjee, Sharon Black, Mike Barlow, John McAuliffe, Josh Ekroy, Susan Wicks, Keith Chandler, Susannah Hart, Larry Stapleton, Ramona Herdman, Valerie Jack, Kate Bingham, Roy Marshall, Radka Otipkova, Judith Taylor, Sarah Wimbush, Anita Pati, Florence Jones, Em Humble, Hannah Hodgson, Eleanor Meikle, Elizabeth Briggs, Bethany Latham, Zeina Hashem Beck, Geraldine Clarkson, Mark Pajak, Tom Sastry, Heidi Williamson, Jack Spicer, Peter Riley.
And our regular features: Blind Criticism by Kathy Pimlott and Sharon Black, Poets I Go Back To with Mark Pajak and Wayne Price. Jackie Wills interviews Susan Wicks, Ian Duhig reflects on John Riley and Jane Clarke celebrates the life and poetry of Shirley McClure. Kim Moore introduces the Dove Cottage Young Poets and Carole Bromley investigates some exciting recent poetry for children.
Featuring Reviews by DA Prince, Ian Harker, Angelina D'Roza, James Caruth, Jane Routh, Theophilus Kwek, Ian McMillan, Edmund Prestwich, Sue Leigh, Jonathan Davidson, Noel Williams, Ian Pople and Ed Reiss