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Collection: Paul Allen

Paul Allen teaches courses in poetry, form and meter, and writing song lyrics at The College of Charleston, in Charleston, SC, USA, where he is Professor of English. His poems have appeared in a number of journals, including Northwest Review, Southern Poetry Review, Cimarron Review, Southwest Review, Ontario Review, New England Review, Iowa Review, Puerto Del Sol, and The Southern Review, as well as in several anthologies, including Odd Angles of Heaven: Contemporary Poetry by People of Faith (Harold Shaw, Publishers), Real Things: An Anthology of Popular Culture in American Poetry (Indiana University Press), The Seagull Reader: Poetry (W. W. Norton), and Anthology of Contemporary Southern Poetry: South Carolina (Texas Consortium Press). He has received the South Carolina Arts Commission's Individual Artist Fellowship in Poetry twice, the Mary Roberts Rinehart Award (George Mason University), the Vassar Miller Poetry Prize from the University of North Texas Press, the South Carolina Academy of Authors Fellowship, the John Williams Andrews Narrative Poetry Prize from Poet Lore, the Distinguished Research Award from The College of Charleston (2007), and a Pushcart (2008). His books include American Crawl (UNT Press, 1997) and His Longing (FootHills Press, 2005). His CD, The Man with the Hardest Belly: Poems and Songs, has sold out but is available for download through and Napster. Recently he has appeared on NPR and has read at Callenwolde Arts Center in Atlanta, the Iota Club and Café (Washington DC), and the Millennial Stage of The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
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