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Collection: Penned in the Margins

Penned in the Margins is a dynamic literary arts company which combines live events, projects and tours with a commitment to publishing exciting, risk-taking new poetry. Their books span mainstream, performance and avant-garde poetries, and have been shortlisted for the Costa Poetry Award, Gordon Burn Prize and the International Dylan Thomas Prize.

Penned in the Margins specialises in collections by exciting young poets such as Ross Sutherland, Sarah Hesketh, Siddhartha Bose and Charlotte Newman, and is also known for the acclaimed anthologies Adventures in Form and Futures: Poetry of the Greek Crisis. Books by Melissa Lee-Houghton, Luke Kennard and Ryan Van Winkle have been highly-praised across mainstream media, featured on several shortlists and won prizes across 2016-17. Their recent publishing ventures include creative Non-Fiction titles, literary criticism and play-texts, including Luke Wright's award-winning, What I Learned from Johnny Bevan. The company is led by writer and arts producer Tom Chivers, recipient of a prestigious Paul Hamlyn Foundation Breakthrough Award for his work with the annual London Word Festival. 

“Good news for poetry.” 
The Times

Penned in the Margins
22 Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial Street
E1 6AB

Tel: +44 (0)20 7375 0121

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