Coming to South Wales, TS Eliot-Prize winning poet Philip Gross lived on the banks of the River Taff near Quakers Yard. Here, his poems and journals from that encounter meet the visual responses of artist Valerie Coffin Price grounded, through walking, in an immediate engagement with place. Together they in-fold past and present landscapes, in a subtle creative conversation with each other’s art, as well as with the river itself. The result is A Fold in the River, a stunning collection of poetry and original artwork.
Philip Gross’s poetry collection The Water Table won the T.S.Eliot Prize in 2009, I Spy Pinhole Eye, with photographer Simon Denison, won Wales Book of The Year 2010, and Off Road To Everywhere won the CLPE Award for Children’s Poetry 2011. Deep Field (2011) and Later (2013) deal with ageing and language, seen through his father’s final years and deep aphasia. He has published ten novels for young people, and collaborated with artists, musicians, dancers and puppeteers. Another recent collaboration centred on the river Taff, with film-maker Wyn Mason, created the interactive poetry-film website Flow and Frame.