Collection: Rebecca Goss
Born in 1974, Rebecca Goss grew up in Suffolk and now lives in Liverpool. Her pamphlet collection Keeping Houston Time was published by Slow Dancer Press in 1997.
She has an MA in Creative Writing from Cardiff University and was winner of the North West Arts young writer’s bursary 1997/98. She taught creative writing at Liverpool John Moores University for several years.
Her poems have appeared in many literary magazines including Ambit, Stand, Magma, Mslexia, Smiths Knoll, The Reader, Orbis, The Frogmore Papers, The Interpreter's House, Seam, Parameter, Other Poetry and Equinox. Her work can be found in various anthologies including Images of Women, an anthology of contemporary female poets edited by Myra Schneider (Arrowhead Press), 2006 and, in 2008, two anthologies of contemporary poetry: In the Telling (Cinnamon Press) and The Poets Perspective (Headland Press).
She has had success in competitions including the Bridport Prize, Way with Words/Mirehouse, writers-inc and The New Writer. She has read at venues nationwide, including London’s Troubadour cafe several times, most recently as part of a New Voices showcase in 2006.
Two of her poems have been made into ‘poem-films’ for Comma Film, a Literature North West project run in conjunction with Comma Press, dedicated to collaborations between local filmmakers and writers.
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