This volume reprints Jacobs's previous books and includes many unpublished poems and translations. Jacobs was a distinguished translator of Hebrew poetry, hence the reprints here of his translations of David Vogel and Avraham Ben-Yitzhak, as well as a selection of his renderings of others including Amichai and Bialik.
An astonishing book edited with devotion and discernment.
Dannie Abse
It is hard to believe that his translations are translations... He has made Vogel's tone, the delicate nuances, his own.
Robert Friend
edited by John Rety and Anthony Rudolf, with essays by Jon Silkin, Philip Hobsbaum and Frederick Grubb
An astonishing book edited with devotion and discernment.
Dannie Abse
It is hard to believe that his translations are translations... He has made Vogel's tone, the delicate nuances, his own.
Robert Friend
edited by John Rety and Anthony Rudolf, with essays by Jon Silkin, Philip Hobsbaum and Frederick Grubb