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Poetry Collective 2018 at London Book Fair

Poetry is taking centre stage at LBF this year and we would love you to be part of it!

London Book Fair takes place from Tuesday 10th to Thursday 12th April 2018 and never before has poetry been given such high profile focus, including a new featured slot, Poet of the Fair - poet soon to be announced, a dedicated poetry event space, Poets' Corner, available for seminars and performances, a Poetry Symposium run by National Poetry Day and a dedicated stand space, the Poetry Collective.  

Inpress, in partnership with LBF, is offering stand space in the newly named Poetry Collective. This will be located next to Poets’ Corner and will create a real buzz for poetry in the two spaces over the three days of the fair.

The prices for space at the Poetry Collective are extremely competitive, see below, and we hope we have something for poetry publishers and organisations of all sizes.  Booking of a space, be it a single book or a full bay will include:

i) an invite to the NPD Symposium

ii) access to the full three days of the fair

iii) use of the stand space, tables and chairs for meetings

iv) opportunity to curate your own events at the Poets’ Corner, subject to time availability.

Poetry Collective Price list

Table & Display Package

The package includes:

  • 1 x branded table & 4 chairs on the Poetry Collective for your exclusive use
  • Listing on LBF website
  • Entry in the official printed directory (deadline 14 Feb)
  • 3 x exhibitor badges
  • Invitation to Poetry networking events and National Poetry Day Symposium
  • Opportunity to feature in LBF 5 Mins with… promo feature (includes promotion across LBF website & social media)

Cost = £800 + VAT

Display Packages

Multiple Display Option:

  • 3 x shelves (3 x 1m wide shelf)
  • 3 x exhibitor entry badges
  • Invitation to National Poetry Day Symposium
  • Shared access to Poetry Collective meeting tables
  • Listing on LBF website
  • Official Printed Directory Entry (deadline 14 Feb)

Cost: £400 + VAT

Sole Display Option:

  • 1 x shelf space (1m wide shelf)
  • 3 x exhibitor entry badges
  • Invitation to National Poetry Day Symposium
  • Shared access to Poetry Collective meeting tables
  • Listing on LBF website
  • Official Printed Directory Entry (deadline 14 Feb)

Cost: £150 + VAT

Single Title Display Option:

  • 1 x title space on a shelf
  • 1 x exhibitor entry badges
  • Invitation to National Poetry Day Symposium
  • Shared access to Poetry Collective meeting tables
  • Listing on LBF website
  • Official Printed Directory Entry (deadline 14 Feb)

Cost: £50 + VAT

For more details please contact Sophie O'Neill on