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The Pop-Up Poetry Bookshop

The Poetry Book Society & Friends Present: Pop Up Poetry Bookshop at the BBC Contains Strong Language Festival from 28th September to 1st October 2017.

BBC Contains Strong Language is the BBC's new national poetry and spoken word festival with coverage in national and local, radio and TV programmes. Over the four days, beginning on National Poetry Day, Thursday 28 September, Radio 1 Xtra, Radio 2, Radio 3, Radio 4, 5 Live and 6 Music as well as Radio Humberside will be broadcasting live from festival venues in Hull along with BBC TV. 

The Pop-Up Poetry Bookshop is a four day book fair and exhibition space for all those involved in the promotion, creation and production of poetry. Celebrating the diversity and vitality of contemporary poetry in the UK, publishers large and small, niche and mainstream are invited to display and sell their works direct to the public at one of the most vibrant new poetry festivals in the UK. The fair will take place in the foyer of Hull College, location of gala readings and live audience BBC broadcasts. 


Further Details:

Venue: Foyer of Hull College, Queens Gardens, Wilberforce Drive, Hull, HU1 3DG

Date: Thursday 28th September - Sunday 1st October

Opening times: TBC

Delivery details: TBC


Table - £50

Half table - £25

Single title - £10


Other information

Book sales:

The PBS will man one central till at the fair to encourage visitors to browse all the tables and make the process of purchasing books as straightforward as possible.

We will need a full list of titles a week before the event, grid to follow. 

All sales will be reported to publishers within 2 weeks and sales money transferred by BACs.

Inpress will send publishers an invoice for the cost of their table, to be settled (by BACs or cheque) before the 28th September.

Book deliveries/POS:

All publishers are responsible for arranging a book delivery and collection at the end of the festival.

We are happy to package up your books but you must supply a box and return delivery address labels.

Banners and POS are welcome, publishers are encouraged to attend the festival and man their tables, however we understand this is a busy time of year, so if you are unable to be there for the full four days, the PBS can manage the set up, sales and breakdown and take note of any customer queries.