An anthology of instructional poems by modern poets dispensing advice on love, seduction, relationships and heartbreak. Produced to look like an old-fashioned schoolbook, complete with diagrams, the Poetic Guide professes to help while offering a combination of stone-cold wisdom and highly dubious romantic advice.
With poems from Jo Brandon, John Canfield, Jade Cuttle, Mel Denham, Amy Key, Anja Konig, Cheryl Moskowitz, Abigail Parry, Rachel Piercey, Richard O’Brien, Christopher Reid, Jacqueline Saphra and Liane Strauss.
Christopher Reid’s most recent book is Six Bad Poets (Faber). Among his earlier publications, A Scattering was declared Costa Book of the Year 2009, while The Song of Lunch became a BBC2 film starring Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson. Andrew Wynn Owen won The Times Stephen Spender Prize in 2011 and a Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award in 2008. Liane Strauss teaches literature and creative writing at Birkbeck College and The Poetry School. She is the author of Leaving Eden (Salt Publishing, 2010) and Frankie, Alfredo (Donut Press, 2009). Abigail Parry was recently appointed Assistant editor at The Rialto magazine.