Anarchy journal ran for 118 issues, over ten years, as a monthly addition to the weekly Freedom magazine. The print run was never more than 3,000 copies, with sales rarely reaching that amount, but it was influential, introducing new writers and new subjects to the left in this country and abroad. Most of the issues were designed by Rufus Segar and the journal was famed for its covers.
The Nottingham issue included Alan Sillitoe, who was already a distinguished novelist, the biographer, poet and novelist Philip Callow and the journalist Ray Gosling. Harold Drasdo was, and is, a well known authority on climbing while Paul Ritter became the Chief Planner of Perth, Australia.
Anarchy 38 has been something of a collector's item for many years and is republished by permission of Freedom Press.
Freedom Press is an anarchist publishing house in Whitechapel, London, United Kingdom. Founded in 1886, it is the largest anarchist publishing house in the country and the oldest of its kind in the English-speaking world.
Freedom Press came out of a circle of anarchists with international connections formed around the London based radical firebrand Charlotte Wilson. Among this founding group were Nikola Chaikovski, Francesco Saverio Merlino, and celebrated anarchist-communist Peter Kropotkin.