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Caversham Court Gardens: A Heritage Guide

Caversham Court Gardens: A Heritage Guide

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Caversham Court is a public garden on the bank of the River Thames near Caversham Bridge, for over 500 years the site of a private house. This richly illustrated and extensively researched guide to the garden and its plantings reveals glimpses of the lives of its owners against a backdrop of local and national events, as well as details of the architecture and landscaping of the house and garden.

The Friends of Caversham Court Gardens group was set up in 2008 to support and encourage the use of the gardens, as well as promote an understanding of the history and planting of Caversham Court. Volunteer guides give talks, and offer tours of the gardens throughout the year. Members help run events, including an open air cinema, and work in the gardens. An open annual meeting features guest lecturers on history and gardening subjects.