They inhabited a present that was weightless, fickle even, and yet at the same time effortlessly assembled; it was the very embodiment of something sound, something firm and tangible: a space of utter certainty... Fate focuses on a group of characters endeavouring to take control of their own fates- their desire to lead a genuine existence forces them to confront difficult decisions, and to break out of comfortable routines. Karl and Marina have been together for ten years and have a young son. Karl is an oboist at Argentina’s national orchestra, and Marina is a meteorologist. On a field trip, she meets a fellow researcher, and what might have been just a fling starts to erode the foundations of her marriage. Then there is Amer, a dynamic and successful taxidermist. At a group therapy session for smokers, Amer falls for the younger Clara. While the relationship between Karl and Marina disintegrates, the love story between Amer and Clara is just beginning – or is it already at an end? One of Argentina’s leading contemporary writers, Jorge Consiglio portrays the inner worlds of his characters through the minute details of the everyday, laying bare their strivings and frustrations with a wry gaze, and seeking in this close-up texture a deeper truth.