Winner of the Poetry Business Book & Pamphlet Competition.
"These are terrifically assured poems – sensual, perceptive, entertaining – which bridge the gap between feeling and utterance with a genuine lyric gift."
Carol Ann Duffy
'If We Could Speak Like Wolves'
If I could wait for the slightest change
in you, then each day hurt you in a dozen
different ways, bite heart-shaped chunks
of flesh from your thighs to test if you flinch
or if you could be trusted to endure,
if I could rub my scent along your shins to make
you mine, if a mistake could be followed
by instant retribution and end with you
rolling over to expose the stubble and grace
of your throat, if it could be forgotten
the moment the wind changed, if my eyes
could sharpen to yellow, if we journeyed
each night for miles, taking it in turns
to lead, if we could know by smell
what we are born to, if before we met
we sent our lonely howls across the estuary
where in the fading light wader birds stiffen
and take to the air, then we could agree
a role for each of us, more complicated
than alpha, more simple than marriage.
Kim Moore received an Eric Gregory Award in 2011 and her poem 'Tuesday at Wetherspoons' won the 2011 Geoffrey Dearmer prize. Her poems have appeared in magazines including Poetry Review, the TLS, The North, The Rialto, Ambit, Magma and Poetry London. In 2012 she will appear in Salt’s Best British Poetry 2012 and she will be a Young Poet-in-Residence at the 2012 Ledbury Poetry Festival.
This book is also available as an ebook: Buy it from Smith|Doorstop here
or buy it from Amazon here.