Out of Into or Truth's Process
Water drops drying in the white sun
On any branch or Rockingham Press
Are little buds of eternity
Always vanishing out of sight:
Out of rain or spume words come -
Of their brief form take stock
They are the eggs of certainty
Truth laid down by light.
William Oxley retired from London and accountancy to become a poet in Devon. Since then he had devoted himself with gusto to every form of verse, especially the long poem which he with Sebastian Barker champions in the Long Poem Group. It has been said of him that "his love of England and the countryside are the main subjects of his work."
Water drops drying in the white sun
On any branch or Rockingham Press
Are little buds of eternity
Always vanishing out of sight:
Out of rain or spume words come -
Of their brief form take stock
They are the eggs of certainty
Truth laid down by light.
William Oxley retired from London and accountancy to become a poet in Devon. Since then he had devoted himself with gusto to every form of verse, especially the long poem which he with Sebastian Barker champions in the Long Poem Group. It has been said of him that "his love of England and the countryside are the main subjects of his work."