Five Leaves' first book for reluctant readers.
Aazim is fifteen. His family is about to be deported. When Immigration come for them, he decides to hide in a city allotment. But nowhere is safe for long. Aazim meets Nadimah. People are after her, too. Soon, the pair have to go on the run and they have to find work. Their new country is full of secret gardens. Few of them are safe places. Will they find a way to stay?
This book is also available as an ebook: buy it from Amazon here.
David Belbin is the author of more than forty books for young adults, those for reluctant readers include China Girl and Stray. His other titles include Denial, Festival and, from Five Leaves, Love Lessons and Dead Teachers Don't Talk. He has written a series of crime fiction books for Tindall Street Press, and an adult novel, The Pretender, for Five Leaves. He runs the Creative Writing MA programme at Nottingham Trent University.