Paul Murray’s third and fourth collections of poems, The Absent Fountain (1992) and These Black Stars (2003) are still much sought after and admired: the precision and economy of the language is exemplary, its concentrated focus well suited for the task in hand. Murray’s is a mystical journey, informed by the vocabulary and symbols of the spiritual quest, and he regularly engages the reader – and indeed God – in dialogue, drawing us into an exploration of memory and desire, of dream, darkness and rebirth.
Paul Murray was born in Newcastle, Co. Down in 1947. He entered the Dominican Order in 1966 and currently lives in Rome where he teaches at the Angelicum University. He has published four poetry collections, Ritual Poems (1971), Rites and Meditations (1972), and more recently The Absent Fountain (1992) and These Black Stars (2003), the latter two from Dedalus Press and reissued here in a single volume. He is also the author of several prose works, among them TS Eliot and Mysticism: The Secret History of ‘Four Quartets’ (Macmillan, 1994) and Aquinas: The Unread Vision – The Bible, Mysticism and Poetry (Bloomsbury, 2013).