The Art of Falling is Kim Moore’s keenly anticipated debut poetry collection. A young poet from Cumbria, she writes with a compelling directness and power about her life and the lives of others. Vigorously alive and often full of humour, there are poems about ordinary people: the scaffolders and plasterers, shoemakers and carers amongst us.
Kim Moore works in Cumbria as a peripatetic Brass Teacher and lives with her husband, two dogs and a cat. She won an Eric Gregory Award in 2011 and her poem ‘Tuesday at Wetherspoons’ won the 2011 Geoffrey Dearmer Prize. Her poems have appeared in magazines including Poetry Review, The TLS, The North, The Rialto, Ambit, Magma, Staple, Stand and Mslexia. She appeared in Salt's Best British Poetry 2012 and was the Young Poet-in-Residence at the 2012 Ledbury Poetry Festival.