My poems are too easy - it’s a shame
I tell them they should try to raise their game:
‘Just be more circumspect – enigma’s prized.
Don’t come across too soon, you’ll be despised.’
I’d hoped one day to see them bound in leather
but they’ve never learned to keep their knees together.
IRON PRESS is excited to introduce a distinctive new voice in female poetry. Eileen Jones’ first full collection The Pale Handbag of the Apocalypse is technically accomplished and full of intelligent wit, skewering the absurdities of modern life and work with a highly distinctive and sometimes satirical or surreal humour.
Eileen Jones previously edited The IRON Book of New Humorous Verse (October 2010). Her pamphlet Connecting Flight was published in 2013 by Red Squirrel Press. She is also a playwright. Her play Knives was chosen for production as part of the New Writing North Emerge project.