Utter displays all the vibrancy, originality and experimentalism that have come to define Vahni Capildeo’s work. Together her insights break down the boundaries between past and present, between the Caribbean and the global elsewhere, between the experienced world and the world of books.
Much of what she finds is unjust, cruel and corrupt, but she also retains a sensuous eye for beauty, and moments of humour, tenderness and community.
Vahni Capildeo was born in Trinidad, and has lived in the UK since 1991. Her previous poetry collections are No Traveller Returns (Salt, 2003), Undraining Sea (Egg Box, 2009) and Dark & Unaccustomed Words (Egg Box, 2010). Her prose appears in Iain Sinclair’s London: City of Disappearances (Penguin, 2006) and Jeanne Mason and Lisa Allen-Agostini’s Trinidad Noir (Akashic, 2008). She lives in Oxford.