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Walking out of this World

Walking out of this World

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Emerging from the mid-October drizzle, Miles joins keen members of the Far and Fast Walkers Society in the Surrey Hills. An unnerving presence, he soon usurps the authority of the walk leader, enticing the party to Miteby, a mysterious village not on any map, where the walkers encounter long lost loved ones.

Entranced, the group are compelled to return to this idyllic, nostalgic place, there re-living their past in better ways. But Miles has a nemesis, Lucifix, who intervenes, luring people to the Underside, where life’s fears, regrets, guilty secrets, obsessions, hatred and betrayal haunt those there. A place of hellish eternal torment.

Walking out of this World is an epic duel between two spirits, Miles and Lucifix, that will determine the fate of the walkers. Another original and engaging novel from Stephen Ford, following Destiny of a Free Spirit, about how we can heal our pasts or live trapped in our own shadows.